Shakarzahi’s Missions and Objectives


‘To utilize businesses, professional and political relationships to design and deliver infrastructure solutions through ‘constant electric power energy’ system on behalf of communities and governments globally.’


‘The organization will take ‘reviving of the public energy industry’ as its central goal, having faith in excellent, maintainable advancement to lead the change by utilizing green biology and fortify the battery-powered batteries improvements in the USA business.’

Our primary objectives are;

  • Creating a reputable brand that instills quality, knowledge, and the highest degree of customer service.

  • Expand our current products, services, and operations by consistently adding new products, services, and markets for our clients so that we can become a multinational brand in the constant electric power energy system device company.

  • Multiple revenue streams to diversify the portfolio and mitigate risks for a decline in segments of the market.

  • Achieve client satisfaction through quality, efficiency, safe, and timely delivery of products and services.

  • Develop as a multi-disciplinary and multi-facet business operating across diverse industries from the private sector and under different critical success factors.

  • Attract, retain, and motivate the best human resource talents with continuous development, work culture, and incentives.